Lacasse Workplace Distancing





As Covid-19 is imposing major changes to the way we live and work, Groupe Lacasse is committed to developing and proposing new solutions that will significantly reduce the risks of contamination with new personal protection accessories and workspace configurations. The objectives behind our proposals are to do it as fast as possible while creating and proposing solutions that remain beautiful, practical, universal, with added health security measures top of mind. All this with the necessity to be easy to install and cost competitive.

With the evolving reality of COVID-19, office work will no longer be the same. Whether through the impact of physical distancing, teleworking or the increase of hygiene and sanitized measures, known environments will change in order to reflect these new realities. 

As businesses bring their workforce together again in the office, numerous changes have to be made to provide an environment that will keep workers safe, healthy and productive. 

Designers will have to take into account several key attributes when specifying the workplace, in order to make these as efficient and safe as possible. 

You will find in this document many visuals, guidelines and references to help you rethink and redesign the workplace. 

Certainly a good part of the solution will come from the employees themselves by practicing good behaviors adapted to the situation and by pursuing the best health and safety practices. 

In addition to this, another part of the solution will come from the products themselves, where many things can be done to build safer workplace environments… There are multiple possibilities to maximize and secure the work configurations as needed. As a North American leader we, at Groupe Lacasse, have all the products and ideas to help you reconfigure or adapt your office spaces.